Note for Contributors
- Manuscripts intended for publication with Tanzania Journal of Population Studies and Development (TJPSD) should be submitted electronically in ‘WORD’ format, double spaced, with normal margin setting in WORD, on standard A4 paper. This rule applies to the entire manuscript, including the reference list, notes and appendix materials—if any. Be sure you have numbered your pages using the WORD processing function for page numbers within the INSERT command menu.
- Title page. This should include the following: (i) title of the article; (ii) name of the author(s) and title(s); (iii) institutional affiliation. Insure that you include accurate phone numbers to expedite the house editing process if contact is needed while your paper is in production.
Your abstract should be 250 words or less. Please list 4-5 key words after your abstract.
- Manuscript should be submitted in English (British or American).
- Illustrations (artworks, maps, and photographs) should be clear, and of high resolution with legible captions. These should appear inserted in the WORD file wherever you intend them within your manuscript. Also send the plates, graphs, diagrams, photos again in a separate electronic file, each carefully numbered with their locations in the manuscript again clearly indicated.
- In case of mathematical expressions (e.g., subscripts and superscripts), they should be correctly placed or clearly marked. Greek letters and unusual symbols should be identified by writing their names in the margin, circling them, at the first occurrence in the paper. Any equation number should go at the right margin. Mathematical symbols for vectors should be labelled as such, e.g., by a wavy underscore.
- Manuscript should range between 6,000 and 8,000 words (including references and appendices), with an abstract not exceeding 250 words.
- Notes, Citations, and References:
Notes should be footnotes, using the footnote WORD function they should be numbered consecutively.
In-text citation should follow ‘author-date’ system (e.g., Nyerere 1967). Direct quotations should always show the page where it was extracted (e.g., Kjekshus, 1977:125). In case of more than two authors, the name of the first author should be used, followed by “et al. and year (and page number if applies). E.g., (Mkandala et al., 2004: viii). However, names of all authors should appear in the Reference List.
Reference list should appear at the end of the document, arranged in alphabetical order, using the second name of the author, or of the first author in case of multiple authors. See the following examples. COMPLETE and ACCURATE references are required including page span of the article or chapter. Accurate and current URLs and/or DOI’s are required where relevant, including latest access date for all URLs cited. Reference entries should follow a consistent standard format. Thesis writing guides explain this in detail. TJPSD’s house format follows in the examples below; it is best to follow these examples when constructing and proofreading your reference list before submitting your final draft:
the reference list must contain one and only one entry for each cited work
Either in the footnotes or the in-text citations. Failure to provide complete references can endanger the publishability of your paper at the house editing stage, due to time constraints for production of the issue against a release date deadline.
Form for a periodical article:
Geerling, C., & H. Brenan. 1986. Ecology and development: an attempt to synthesize. Environmental conservation 13: 211-214.
Chegere, M., Kidane, A, and Leyaro, V. (2013). Poverty Effects of Fuel and Food Price Changes in Tanzania. Utafiti 10(2): 1-33.
Form for authored books:
Kjekshus, H. 1977. Ecology control and economic development in East Africa: The Case of Tanganyika 1850-1950. London: Heinemann.
United Republic of Tanzania (URT). 1998. The Constitution of the United Republic of Tanzania of 1977. Dar es Salaam: Government Printer.
Form for chapter in an edited book:
Masanja, P. and Lawi, Y. 2006. African Traditional Religions in Contemporary Tanzanian Society. In Justice Rights and Worship: Religion and Politics in Tanzania. (Eds.) R. Mukandala, S. Yahya-Othman, S.S. Mushi, and L. Ndumbaro, pp. 97-113. Dar es Salaam: E&D Ltd.
Form for citing Thesis/Dissertation:
Ferdinand, C. K. T. 1984. An econometric analysis of demand for Chibuku in Dar es Salaam. Unpublished MA thesis, University of Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
- TJPSD is a peer reviewed journal. Articles submitted for publication are reviewed by at least two referees anonymously who remain unaware of the author(s) or the affiliation of the author(s), and who are experts or well-read in the respective subject. Blind reviews are fundamental and decisive in determining acceptance or rejection of a manuscript.
- Copyright: It is a condition of publication that authors vest copyright of their articles, including abstracts, in TJPSD. This enables the editors to ensure full copyright protection and to disseminate the article, and the journal, to the widest possible readership in print and electronic formats as appropriate. Authors may, of course, use the published article elsewhere under permission from the Chief Editor.
- Plagiarism is an academic offence. It also contravenes the journal’s policy, and the journal’s reputation of a scholarly journal of integrity and value in the research community. It is incumbent upon Contributors to submit their own original work, which is not under consideration by any other editor simultaneously or previously without appropriate release from that consideration and retraction. The journal reserves the right to request evidence of such independence in cases of ambiguity.
Where other persons’ intellectual property has been adopted, be it in form of textual extract, photograph, diagram, formula, etc., it should be dully acknowledged and sometimes proof of owner’s consent may apply (especially in case of photographs or artwork).
Under no conditions should any material from the internet, whether authored explicitly or not, be lifted and incorporated within the manuscript and presented as the author(s)’ own words. If this practice is spotted at any point then the paper will be regretfully rejected outright.
- Upon submission of an accepted manuscript (post-review) the author will be asked to submit a signed statement declaring that publication of the article by TJPSD would not contravene any copyright or other contractual agreements relevant to the article or the research upon which it is based. This signed statement can be submitted as a pdf attachment or a scanned letter sent by attachment through email.
- Complementary copies: Each published submission is entitled for one hard copy of the respective volume or pass-word for accessing the respective volume. That is, complimentary copy is by article and not by authors.
- As of June 2018, TJPSD will be available online, this includes all back issues. Issues are uploaded as soon as they are paged in production, shortly prior to the release of the hard copy versions from the printer.
For further information and contributions, please contact:
Chief Editor, TJPSD
College of Social Sciences,
Centre for Population Studies and Development
University of Dar es Salaam,
P.O. Box 35047,
Dar es Salaam, TANZANIA.
E-mail: psrc@udsm.ac.tz– the official email is unfortunately unreliable
Editor’s email: hhambati2013@gmail.com – this email is secure and recommended
Editor’s Phone: +255-784-452-028
Chief Editor
Dr. Herbert Hambati.