About the Journal
Tanzania Journal of Population Studies and Development (TJPSD) is a journal which is published twice a year. It is a multi-disciplinary journal that pursue to address issues related to population, development and social sciences matters. It targets to publish and advocates scholarly articles in the field of Fertility, mortality, migration, health, population-environment nexus, diseases, disasters, urbanization, rural-urban linkages, policies and related fields of social sciences. The Journal motivates up-to-date empirical papers in terms of theoretical and methodological research as well as analytical review articles focusing on sustainable human development at local and international levels. Our main objective is to create a podium for scholars of various levels of academia from Tanzania and the global research community at large, to explore, critically analyze and share the scholarly writings and knowledge. For the interested scholars, articles should be sent to https://tjpsd.udsm.ac.tz together with a brief profile of the author(s). All articles submitted for publication are blindly peer-reviewed. Apart from regular issues, the journal accepts publishing special issues related to the mentioned topics based on working group researches and conferences. Its current Chief Editor is Prof. Herbert Hambati from the University of Dar es Salaam. The Journal has 10 editorial board members. All are Senior Scholars (6 are Professors, 4 are senior lectures) of which 3 are from Tanzania and 7 are from outside Tanzania (Africa and rest of the world). The advisory board has 10 members and all are Senior scholars (Professors) of which 4 are from Tanzania and Africa, the rest are from outside Africa. The Journal has International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for print and electronic publications i.e. ISSN 0856-0227 and eISSN 2961-628X respectively. The Journal is released both in print and online via: https://tjpsd.udsm.ac.tz/index.php/tjpsd